Best Quran Reading offers purely education
courses which are online especially designed
for kids and children although these online
lectures have attracted people of all ages.
Best Quran Reading is not only Quran Islamic
teaching website but it is complete online school
which offers complete Islamic study courses
and lectures for kids and children. Quran teaching
and Islamic teaching for children has been problem
for people in distant area’s but best Quran
reading has solved this problem and they offer
24/7/365 Islamic courses and online Islamic
teaching sessions for kids and people of all
The most important course offered by best Quran
reading is online Quran reading/reciting course
in Arabic. After taking this course one would
be able to correctly read the Quran with Tajweed
but learning Quran depends upon devotion of
students (mostly kids and children). The students
of this course are taught rules along with practical
one to one live sessions which enable them to
learn Quran.
The team of Best Quran Reading consists of
IT professional and professional Quran Tutors.
The IT Professional facilitates the Quran Tutors
to deliver online lessons for Quran teaching
whereas Quran Tutors are Qari’s of Quran who
have 5-7 years of educational background. The
best of Qari’s are required to go through voice
test and teaching i.e. Tajweed and Tarteel skill
test to be able to become part of Best Quran